How to Care for Poinsettias: Tips for Keeping Your Holiday Plants Healthy

Poinsettias are a holiday favourite, known for their vibrant red, pink, white, or even marbled leaves. These festive plants bring a touch of colour to homes and offices throughout the holiday season. Though they are often associated with Christmas, poinsettias can continue to thrive well after the holidays if given the proper care. If you want your poinsettia to stay beautiful long after New Year's, follow these simple care tips!
1. Choosing the Right Poinsettia
When selecting a poinsettia, look for a plant with vibrant colour and healthy, non-drooping leaves. Avoid plants with wilted or yellowing leaves, as this could be a sign of poor health.
2. Place Your Poinsettia in a Bright Spot
Poinsettias thrive in bright, indirect light. Place your plant near a window that receives some natural light but avoid direct sunlight, which can scorch the leaves. If you’re growing your poinsettia indoors, a spot near a north, east, or west-facing window is ideal.
- Too little light can cause the plant to become leggy, with fewer colourful bracts.
- Too much direct sunlight can dry out the leaves or cause them to drop prematurely.
3. Temperature and Humidity
Poinsettias are native to tropical regions, so they prefer warmer temperatures and moderate humidity. Here’s what you should keep in mind:
- Ideal temperature range: 65°F to 75°F (18°C to 24°C).
- Avoid cold drafts or extreme temperatures below 50°F (10°C). Poinsettias are very sensitive to cold, so keep them away from cold windows, air conditioners, or heaters.
- Humidity: Poinsettias prefer a humid environment, so if your home is dry, especially in winter, consider placing a humidifier nearby, or set the pot on a tray filled with pebbles and water (just make sure the bottom of the pot doesn’t sit in the water, as this can cause root rot).
4. Watering Your Poinsettia
One of the most important aspects of poinsettia care is watering. While they do not like to be soggy, they also don’t like to dry out completely.
- Water when the top of the soil feels dry to the touch. Be sure to water thoroughly, allowing the water to drain out from the bottom of the pot. This ensures the roots receive adequate moisture.
- Avoid overwatering. Empty any excess water from the saucer underneath the pot, as standing water can lead to root rot.
- Water quality: If possible, use room temperature water, as cold or hot water can shock the plant.
In general, it’s better to underwater than overwater, as poinsettias can recover from slight dehydration but can quickly deteriorate if the roots stay too wet.
5. Pruning and Maintaining the Plant
Once the holiday season ends, poinsettias begin to drop their colourful bracts and the plant might start to look a bit lacklustre. Don’t be discouraged! Poinsettias are perennial plants, so with the right care, they can thrive year-round.
- Pruning: In the spring, prune back your poinsettia by about half to encourage healthy new growth. This is best done after the bracts fall off but before new growth begins to appear.
- Pinching back: For a bushier, more compact plant next year, you can “pinch” the plant by removing the tips of the branches. Do this regularly throughout the growing season (every 3-4 weeks) until late summer
6. Signs of Common Poinsettia Problems
If your poinsettia seems to be struggling, look for these signs:
- Yellowing or dropping leaves: This can be a sign of overwatering, underwatering, or exposure to cold drafts. Check for proper watering habits and temperature conditions.
- Wilting or limp leaves: This could indicate underwatering or root rot. If the roots appear mushy or brown when you remove the plant from its pot, it may be too late to save the plant.
- Brown spots on leaves: This could be caused by excessive watering or leaf burn from direct sunlight.
Poinsettias are relatively easy to care for if you provide them with the right amount of light, warmth, and water. With their vibrant colours, they’re the perfect plant to brighten up your home for the holidays—and with some care, they can continue to thrive and even bloom again next year. So, keep them in a bright spot, avoid overwatering, and enjoy the holiday magic they bring to your space!
Happy Holidays, and may your poinsettia stay beautiful throughout the season!